Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Baby Genius

Frankly, most of us spend our time more concerned with what just happened, or what's about to happen, than with what is happening right now.

My youngest child is the best teacher of this phenomenon. She will get very excited or very upset about something that seems so small. But once I absorb the fact that she is only concerned with this moment and NOT this moment relative to anything past or future, it makes complete sense. As an adult, I can't imagine eating one of my favorite foods with a mindset completely void of any concept of the future. But I can see the exhilaration on my daughter's face, while eating ice cream that this is positively the best thing you could have in your mouth. Her eyes are wide open, as well as her ice cream-filled mouth. He enthusiasm inspires you to want to have some too, RIGHT NOW!

Or if she spots a blue heron landing right outside our patio, she feverishly signs and says "bird", while fixating on the long-legged visitor. It's as if it were the coolest thing ever. But the thing is, she's not comparing it to "ever." It's the coolest thing right now, over which there can be no debate. It IS the coolest thing now, but we jaded adults can't clear our minds enough to think only about right now. We have to cloud our attention along with our potential enthusiasm with visions and concerns of near and far, past and future - until the present shrinks and dulls almost to the point of being a mere caption. It's so confounding that with age and "wisdom" comes this sad, semi-blinding phenomenon of caring less and less about what is happening in this PRECISE moment.

Do yourself a favor and try to focus on the present at least once a day. Really suck it all in. If you need help or inspiration in doing this. Find a child, the younger the better. They are natural experts in seeing and feeling the true energy and beauty of life. It's just the best :-)

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