Sunday, March 6, 2011

Men At Play

*In response to my wife - Emily's post entitled Dadly Men*

I admit it. I like to play. I'm not referring to joking around, fooling around, being silly or playing specific games. I'm talking about true play. I do it because it still comes naturally to me (Keith Johnstone refers to adults as "atrophied" children). Although I'm an adult, I've refused to put away ALL childish things. I'm also highly aware of the mental and social health benefits of real, creative play. As long as I can drop traditional rationale and slip into a bout of improv make-believe at any time, I know I'm still mentally healthy. I suspect this is somewhat rare in adults and kids recognize it, although they may not be able to put their finger on it. Friends are one of the most (if not THE most) important aspects of life. If our first friends are people with whom we play, then why ever take the playing out of the equation? Science has shown that true creative play is excellent for keeping the mind healthy. I'm just lucky that it's a habit of mine.

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