Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Lemonade Stand

We spread out a bunch of our unneeded stuff in two parking spaces for our community yard sale today. Beside us, in a patch of grass, my daughter and her friend manned their first lemonade stand. Two pitchers - one for pink lemonade and one for yellow - sat on a little princess table, with the girls perched on pink chairs behind it. We had a small supply of ones and quarters on hand for change, the girls had a mini pink princess bucket to collect the 25 cents per cup they were charging. Both girls sampled the lemonade, declared it delicious and were ready for business. They had their first customer before we did, and the trend was set for the morning. People wandered by in chunks and milled through our array, and none could ignore the little girls at the lemonade stand. Customers balked at paying 3$ for a dress, then they'd put a quarter in the girls' bucket and say "I don't want any lemonade, but you two are so cute! Here's a quarter." My daughter kept having to pee from drinking all the lemonade, but that didn't slow down the flow of coins to the lemonade stand. People would say "How much for this quilt?" And I'd say "Ten bucks?" They'd walk away without even making an offer. Meanwhile "You two are adorable. May I have another lemonade?" Perhaps it was because the girls had a script:
Hello, welcome to our lemonade stand.
Would you like yellow or pink?
Here you go.
Have a pinkalicious day!
Maybe we should have only tried to sell stuff that was yellow or pink. Actually, we had quite a bit of pink stuff, come to think of it. A tiny boy sat in his stroller and looked unimpressed by our display of puzzles, books and kids clothes. I told him I was sorry that we mainly had a lot of girls' stuff. He glared at me and had his mommy wheel him next door for some lemonade. Pink or yellow, his choice. We did sell some of our stuff and enjoyed hanging out with our friends whose daughter shared the lemonade stand duties with our daughter. But, come noontime, the girls had sold all but the last 5 cups of lemonade. They gave them away in a grand gesture to a thirsty family who had just bought our $200 tv for twenty bucks. I'm not jealous, but they had practically nothing to clean up and a pile of coins for their piggy banks. We went home with a bunch of stuff and a pile of crumpled, dirty dollar bills. We got some nice pictures, though. And there's always Goodwill. Meanwhile, the girls are already planning their next lemonade stand. Have a pinkalicious day!

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