Friday, September 26, 2014

Keep Joy In Your Heart

I once knew an old man named Norris.  He signed every letter and card that he wrote with the same words:  Keep joy in your heart.

It's a simple saying, easy to remember - almost obvious.  But I always just equated it to Norris and his gentle-old-man ways.  I didn't apply it to the world as a whole, I just attached it to him and how I thought of him -  and, eventually, how I remembered him.

He passed away some time ago, and I find the phrase popping into my mind now and again.

Recently I received some very sad news about the untimely death of a loving woman who taught both of our daughters.  We weren't exceptionally close, but she was with our little girls in preschool for at least 3 days a week.  She was a significant, caring adult in their lives.

It's natural to be drawn into the sorrowful aspects of these tragic situations.  And it's times like these when it's not easy to keep joy in your heart.

So how does one do it, when its so easy to be burdened by something or other - the constant availability of bad news?

I know one way.  Spend time with a child.  They're not weighed down by regret or fear.  They're not suspicious or disappointed.  They're in tune with the magic of being alive. They have joy in their hearts.

My friend Norris knew enough to remind himself and those around him, as we grew older.  Whatever you're doing, whatever happens - Keep joy in your heart...

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