Monday, November 25, 2013

One Bridge You Mustn't Burn

It may not seem like it, but when you get married, you start building something.  You and your spouse are co-creators of an entity.  You can call it a family, a business, a home, or a combination of these and other things.  It's a positive thing, to be sure.  But it can become large and burdensome over time, if it's not constantly infused with warmth.

Perhaps the married couple buy a home.  Almost immediately, each member begins fulfilling responsibilities around the home.  From sweeping the front porch to paying the bills, there are dozens of responsibilities that must be constantly take care of.  Add children to this, and you add the instant potential for being overwhelmed on a regular basis.

Again, this is a positive position to be in, but it's no small matter.  You've got to communicate to keep this baby intact (pun intended).  Even when you don't have the time and means to be thorough, you must be crystal clear.  This is Houston transmitting to Mars.  You often can't even shake hands, but you have to share control of a ship that must be steered with pinpoint accuracy.  The lines of communication must always be open - day and night.

Those lines must also always be drawn tight.  For they support the entire operation.  Like a sturdy bridge over an unnavigable river - constantly exposed to the elements - the builders of the family must provide safe passage for their own without ever letting go of their partner.

And to you, single parents, I remain in awe.  You have secured the help to shoulder the whole load, only when you must.  You return, then, always to bear the whole weight of the operation again and again.  I'm becoming familiar with the true strength of love, but this still baffles and uplifts me.

Remember, there's no subject too big or too small.  And no issue is ever off the table.

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