Sunday, March 31, 2013

One Day

"Swing me, Daddy."  My daughter says this and I can't refuse.   Or she asks me to help her find her Cinderella shoes.  Or my other daughter asks me to try and catch her or, or slice an apple, or  go draw on the driveway with chalk.  I can't refuse, because I immediately think that one day - She'll never ask me that again.  She'll never ask for me to play a game with her or hold her or help her with something.  One of our children is given to asking me or her mom to "Cuddle me."  How in the world can any parent EVER refuse?  So I do it.  I stop what I'm doing (which is probably cleaning up after the other child) and do one more thing with my child, who was once my baby, who will one day be grown-up.  That grown-up child ought to have a cell-phone plan that allows her/him to receive unlimited texts.  Because they're going to get a ton of them...  "Hi honey - I have some free time.  Want me to come over and swing you?"

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