Friday, November 23, 2012

Little Kids = Gross Stuff in Your Carpet

My daughter likes to show me her boogers, and then keep them.  I'm quick to offer her a tissue or show her the way to the trashcan, sink or toilet.  But she prefers to keep them preserved on the tip of her tiny finger while she wanders around, watches t.v, drinks her juice.  If I ambush her with a tissue and try to grab the offending booger off her finger, she'll quickly try to retract her finger and shrink away.  Then where the mini-boogie ends up is anyone's guess.  It most likely winds up in our carpet along with the multitude of unmentionable items hidden in that dirt trap we call a floor.  I'll spare you the frightful list of potential gross stuff in our carpet.  Suffice it to say that boogers are not the most disgusting things there.  Of course we have a  vacuum cleaner.  It's fairly strong and equally loud.  But let's face it, when you have little kids, you've got stuff in your carpet that's never coming out...

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