Sunday, June 3, 2012

Visitation Rights

My two-year-old likes to visit me when I'm on the toilet.  She has some kind of radar that signals the moment I sit down.  Wherever she is, she stops what she's doing and makes a beeline for the bathroom I'm in.  I turn on the light, close the door, sit down, - and within 10 seconds her little hand is on the lever, pulling the door open.  She comes in with a big smile.  Hi Daddy!  To her, it's our secret meeting place.  While I'm thinking "Gee, I love you and you're adorable - but you're kind of close to me while I'm trying to accomplish this very personal task,"  she's thinking "Hi! - Look at my Lovey! - What are you doing? - Can I sit on your lap? - Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, ...Hi!"  No matter how frustrated I am whenever she shows up, somehow she just knows that she's always allowed in.

As annoying as this can be, I realize that she won't do it forever, and that makes me a little sad.  I know, I know, it's silly.  I mean, who wants to go into the bathroom when their dad's on the toilet?  It's gross, right?  I love my dad, but there's no  way I'm doing that.  Unless he's stranded without TP.  Then I suppose I'd hand him a roll.  So, the question is - At what point will she no longer do this?  Will it be a conscious decision, or will it just happen subtly, over time?  And how will I get over it?

Who am I kidding?  I'll never get over it.

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