Monday, April 6, 2009

Welcome To My Perspective.

Welcome to my perspective of childhood as a parent, and more specifically as a Dad. I figured that if I'm getting to experience growing up all over again - only this time I'm aware of what's happening, why not write some of it down and share it at the same time? There are plenty of groups, sites, blogs for moms to commiserate/compete/educate themselves - but many dads are apparently only semi-available or semi-involved. My wife and I split the duties evenly. It's a lot - even with one child. It's exhausting and inspiring at the same time. So this is for the dads who are knee deep in diapers without enough sleep. I'm anxious to hear if it rings true for anyone else, as well as how it's a little bit different for everyone.

I have a 21 month old daughter named Zoe who keeps her mom and me extremely busy. She's currently in an endless phase of naming every possible thing she can. Her mom and I are prone to talking non-stop when it suits us, so it's no surprise that Zoe is practically talking before she wakes up in the morning. Her eyes closed, her head still on the pillow,! She turns on. I love that the first thing she often says is "all done?" - to let us know she's all done sleeping. She continues "eyes, eyes." She opens her eyes and sees the ceiling "fan, fan - it's a fan." She remembers she hasn't eaten in 11 hours. "Juice, bana, bar, seeyu." This continues all day, and - yes - she's just as quick to repeat any of those innocent little curses we utter when our tongues are just a bit faster than our brains.

She says "poop" when she's peeing or pooping, or even if she's just thinking about peeing or pooping - or if she spots her potty - or if she notices her crotch. She says "poop" a lot. It makes sense, after all, we're in potty training phase. Poop is on everyone's mind.


  1. Too true, Dogged Daddy! Keep it real and keep it comin', man.

  2. great idea seth. more of my friends husbands have stared blogs. I love hearing the dad perspective

  3. Yey!!! I'm so glad you did this! Love the picture of you sleeping up top!

    Your friend
